
Save the date! Josie Cunningham to stream birth live on Twitter

She is expecting her fourth child and we are all invited to tune in

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Controversial model Josie Cunningham, who came to public prominence when she underwent a boob job on the NHS, has an invitation to the nation.

She may have shocked previously when she had a £5,000 cosmetic procedure for free but now she wants to share a very intimate moment.

Josie is expecting her fourth child at the end of September and is planning to film the birth.

Not only that though, she will broadcast this live and unedited on Twitter.

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With the help of live social media streaming platform Periscope, Josie will let you in to the delivery room with her.

Her publicist Rob Cooper has been sharing the news on Twitter as the big day looms.

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Of course, Josie’s expected new arrival may not want to fit in with a daytime viewing schedule.

So, for those of you that want to join in the miracle of birth, it could be a late night for you.

Josie has had a tempestuous relationship with the general public as she proves to be very much a Marmite celebrity.

In the past, she has admitted to planning to have an abortion so that she could appear in Big Brother, as well as slamming the NHS for not giving her a nose job.

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Recently though, she appeared on Loose Women to unveil a new look and change in attitude towards her life.

Speaking on the show, she revealed: “I couldn’t be more prepared for this baby.”

So, make sure you are prepared too!

Nancy Brown
Associate Editor

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