Princess Kate smiles outside

Kate Middleton’s fitness routine for a ‘timeless’ royal look

She recently showed off her fitness skills against William...

Kate Middleton, our new Princess of Wales, is known for her slim figure, and in the latest royal news, one expert has claimed to know just how she keeps in shape.

The royal is apparently a bit of a fitness fanatic. Back in her time at St Andrews, she took part in rowing, tennis and skiing. And her figure has largely stayed the same from that time, as Kate aims to achieve a “timeless” look, according to the expert.

Princess Kate smiles at Woman's Rugby training session
Princess Kate is apparently in the gym every morning (Credit: Splash News)

Kate Middleton is in the gym ‘every morning’

Royal expert Tessa Dunlop told OK! the secrets behind Kate’s looks and lean frame. She shared that Kate may have been accused of “dressing older” in the past. But she’s now achieved a contemporary and “timeless” look fit for a queen-in-waiting.

She’s in the gym every morning and even her figure hasn’t really changed

And it’s not just her style that she wants to keep timeless, but her figure too. Tessa claimed: “Kate has to look contemporary, but also timeless. She’s in the gym every morning and even her figure hasn’t really changed. Her face hasn’t really got any older. Her look has kind of frozen.”

Since her days of sports at St Andrews, Kate now reportedly enjoys running and CrossFit – a high-intensity exercise which combines elements including gymnastics, kettlebell and weightlifting.

Princess Kate smiles at The Earthshot Prize Awards 2022
Kate Middleton aims to achieve a ‘timeless’ look (Credit: Splash News)

Why it’s important for Kate Middleton to look ‘timeless’

Royal expert Tessa also explained the importance behind Kate’s “timelessness”. At a time when Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Prince Andrew are proving unpopular with many, it’s important for Kate to be a stable and “constant” figure in the royal family.

Tessa added: “Britain’s going through a rough time but there’s Kate. There she is supporting Wales as she should be at the rugby. Or there she is doing the right thing at the beginning of the term with her three children. She’s a reassuring presence.” But it’s not just all down to royal visits and appearances. Her look reportedly helps Kate achieve that timeless look, fit for a future Queen.

Kate recently showed off her fitness skills against William

Princess Kate recently showed off all her hard work in the gym when she won a virtual spin race against husband Prince William.

Kate and William visited an exercise class at Abervon Leisure and Fitness centre in Aberavon, South Wales during a royal visit. The couple were challenged to see who could cycle the farthest in 45 seconds while being simulated to feel like they were riding uphill in the Italian mountains. And Kate came out victorious – all while in high heels!

Reportedly before William got on to his bike he pointed out that Kate had high heels on. Kate, who was dressed in a cream top, checked shirt and black boots, admitted she wasn’t “sure I am dressed for this”. But her outfit didn’t stop her as Kate adjusted the gears and joked: “Can I make it harder?” William was reportedly out-of-breath and said: “Talk to you in a minute”.

It appears that all of Kate’s time in the gym has definitely given her a fitness edge over husband William.

Read more: Princess Kate ‘dealt huge new blow’ as King’s coronation approaches

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