Emmerdale's Samson, and in a bubble is Matty

Emmerdale: Samson stabbing plot hole worked out by eagle-eyed fans

Could this get Matty out of trouble?

Yesterday evening on Emmerdale (Thursday, June 6), Samson met up with his mate Josh in The Hide but soon got into an altercation with Matty.

Josh then started dead-naming Matty before pushing Samson into him, leading to him being stabbed.

Emmerdale fans have spotted a huge plot hole though that means that Matty’s innocence could be proved.

Josh pushes Samson into Matty and Samson is stabbed in Emmerdale spoilers
Josh pushed Samson into Matty (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale: Samson was stabbed by Matty

Last night, Samson went into The Hide with Josh and watched his friend try to flirt with Amy.

Amy wasn’t happy with Josh’s attitude and decided to head off home early whilst Matty locked up.

Samson told Josh that Matty was trans, with Josh started to say offensive things to Matty.

With Matty managing to get the lads to leave, they soon returned though as Josh started demanding money from the till.

Matty stood his ground but this only angered Josh more as he shoved Samson into Matty whilst Matty was holding a knife.

With Samson being stabbed and bleeding out, Jai then arrived at the restaurant and saw Matty holding the knife.

It wasn’t long before Matty was arrested by the police for stabbing Samson.

Josh pushes Samson into Matty and Samson is stabbed in Emmerdale spoilers
Fans have been reminded of the CCTV (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale fans spot plot hole as Matty stabs Samson

Emmerdale fans have now spotted a big plot hole as they’ve been reminded that The Hide has CCTV footage.

The Hide CCTV footage was used when Meena killed Ben, with viewers wondering why the CCTV hasn’t been mentioned again to help Matty prove his innocence.

One fan wondered: “So what’s the chances of The Hide’s CCTV being down ever since that last lad got killed?”

Another fan questioned: “So, even after previous incidents, The Hide didn’t learn enough to install CCTV??”

A third viewer added: “The Hide had CCTV before cos Meena stole it when she killed Ben.”

Another person shared: “Writers have a problem when they decide to do a script with violence/theft etc because nowadays CCTV is everywhere. They just choose to ignore this fact.”

A final viewer finished: “Sorry, but how the [bleep] does The Hide still not have CCTV even after everything with Meena & Ben?”

Emmerdale's Matty is sitting in a police car
Matty was arrested (Credit: ITV)

Will Matty go to prison for the stabbing?

Matty’s been arrested for stabbing Samson and Samson’s currently yet to tell anyone about what really happened…

Will Samson be okay? Will he speak out before Matty ends up going to prison?

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024?

Emmerdale summer preview, with 7 huge spoilers

Emmerdale usually airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV, with an hour episode on Thursdays.

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Tamzin Meyer
Assistant Soap Editor