Jeff Brazier smiles, Bobby Brazier looks uncertain

Jeff Brazier’s fears for son Bobby as he defends controversial decision

Has he got this right?

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Jeff Brazier, father of Strictly Come Dancing star Bobby Brazier, previously addressed the measures to keep his eldest son “humble”.

Proud Jeff, 45, is also dad to 19-year-old son Freddie. Freddie’s mother – like EastEnders actor Bobby – was late reality star Jade Goody.

But while he reckoned his family were currently enjoying a “great” spell thanks to Bobby’s fame being on the up, Jeff also warned how his approach to parenting means his lad doesn’t escape the every day realities of life.

And that’s because Jeff – who appears on Tipping Point’s Soccer Aid edition on June 6 – wants to ensure Bobby has “balance”, fearing he could lose out on being “grounded” otherwise.

Bobby Brazier, son of Jeff Brazier, laughs
Bobby Brazier appeared on Strictly Come Dancing 2023 (Credit: BBC)

‘These things just keep him grounded’

Speaking to OK! in October 2023, Jeff noted Bobby still has to muck in with household tasks, even as a telly fave.

“As much as Bobby’s a dancer on Strictly these days, when he comes home, there’s a wash in the tumble dryer that I want him to fold up, or I want him to help me to make dinner. These things just keep him grounded. I definitely feel like that’s a big, big role. I need to make sure Bob has a balance and doesn’t necessarily let himself float away.

I need to make sure Bob has a balance.

“Although things are great, and we celebrate that, we also make sure we come back to being humble and and making sure that as a family, we’re all there for one another.”

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Jeff Brazier on ‘charging Strictly star Bobby Brazier more rent’

Furthermore, it seems Jeff may have asked Bobby to contribute more to the family homestead as his profile rises.

Bobby reportedly detailed to OK! late last year how Jeff put his rent up.

He reportedly suggested Jeff did so for “moral” reasons.

But Jeff, reflecting on raising his boys to be responsible, again is said to have reasoned how the move should motivate instead.

Jeff Brazier, dad of Bobby Brazier, smiles for the cameras
Is Jeff Brazier correct with his approach to son Bobby? (Credit:

Jeff is quoted as asking: “Am I actually helping my kids if I still allow them to live like they’re 16 when they’re 20? But that’s a personal decision. And it is for every household and every parent to decide what they think is the right level of reality for their kids to experience.”

Read more: Bobby Brazier blames dad Jeff as he’s asked to ‘explain’ Strictly problem

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Robert Leigh
Freelance writer