Richard Madeley and Ben Shephard on This Morning today

Richard Madeley steps in to ‘replace’ Ben Shephard on This Morning following blunder

Should Richard earn a spot on the blue sofa?

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On This Morning today, Richard Madeley briefly took over from Ben Shephard, who apparently had got caught in the loo during the break.

The veteran presenter returned to the sofa, but this time, beside Cat Deeley.

Taking over from Ben, who is well known for previously presenting Good Morning Britain, Richard looked very comfortable.

Richard Madeley smiling on This Morning today
Richard Madeley presented This Morning from the eighties until 2002 (Credit: This Morning / ITV)

This Morning today

Richard could be seen looking cool as a cucumber as he greeted viewers, whilst sat beside Cat. He said: “Welcome back to your Wednesday’s This Morning, with me Richard Madeley and Cat Deeley here.

“There’s a lot more coming up for you on the programme today. How’s your morning been so far?”

Cat looked sheepish as she grinned at Richard and leaned in to respond, before Ben crashed the set and interrupted their presenting.

Ben Shephard walking towards Richard Madeley and Cat Deeley on This Morning today
Ben returned to take back his spot (Credit: This Morning / ITV)

Ben instructed Richard: “Madeley, go on. To the other side of the sofa,” encouraging him to sit in his actual spot, where the GMB star was set to discuss his new book, Father’s Day.

To this, Richard cheekily quipped back: “Don’t spend so long in the loo then,” and Cat chimed in: “We all got a Madeley warm-up.”

Richard and his wife Judy Finnigan originally presented the programme from 1988 to 2002. With that in mind, Ben took over his rightful space and praised the original format of the show from when Richard and Judy hosted.

He said: “Isn’t it amazing though that music and the original title.”

Richard Madeley shares new book on This Morning today

Richard went on to describe his new book and give viewers a glimpse into what to expect. He said the plot revolves around a widowed father, Nick Wychwood, who loses his daughter Lucy to suicide.

The star then explained that Nick discovered his daughter had been groomed online and decides to track down her abuser.

He detailed: “It’s about the power of revenge. What would a father do?

Richard Madeley and Cat Deeley presenting This Morning
Richard Madeley took over from Ben Shephard on This Morning today (Credit: This Morning / ITV)

“What would you do if it was your daughter who had been cajoled into killing herself? Taking her own life. What would you do to the man responsible?”

Stunned by the plot, Ben went on to say: “See, you come across as such a lovely, affable, easy-going guy but there’s a dark, sinister side to Madeley.

“There’s the journalist in you, because of course, you will have covered stories like this endlessly over the years.”

Read more: Ben Shephard insists he’ll stay at Tipping Point amid concern from fans

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