Emmerdale spoilers: Comp image of Tom, Liam and Ethan (Credit: ITV/comp ED!)

7 Emmerdale spoilers for next week including Tom’s chilling move, Ella exposed and Ethan dead?

Tom stoops lower than ever before to control Belle

Emmerdale spoilers for next week reveal Tom takes back control in the most horrifying way, Ella’s secret is of the edge of being revealed and Ethan collapses – but will he be okay?

Here are seven huge Emmerdale spoilers for next week – don’t miss it!

Emmerdale: Ethan overhears Ruby and Rose plotting
Ethan overhears Ruby and Rose (Credit: ITV)

1. Ethan overhears shocking information

As Ethan spends his last few days before his court appearance getting outside as much as possible, he overhears Ruby and Rose talking. What he listens to between them sends him reeling in shock.

He confides in Charles that it has made him have concerns for Dawn. Charles encourages him to contact her and let her know, so Ethan leaves her a voicemail.

Ethan in Emmerdale lies unconscious on the floor as Manpreet performs CPR
Manpreet tries to save Ethan (Credit: ITV)

2. Ethan collapses

As they get ready for court, Ethan and Charles have a heartfelt conversation. Charles pops into the kitchen, but when he comes back in, Ethan has collapsed on the ground.

Manpreet tries to resuscitate him, but it appears to be in vain. Charles watches on, terrified he’s going to lose his son. Will Ethan pull through?

3. Dawn listens to the voicemail

Dawn receives the voicemail Ethan left on her phone and listens with interest. She is soon concerned after hearing what Ethan has to say, but what will she do about it?

More Emmerdale spoilers

Tom and Belle argue in Emmerdale
Belle lashed out at Tom last week (Credit: ITV)

4. Belle cuts Tom off

With Belle in the mental health crisis unit, Tom is shaken when she wants Lydia to visit and not him. Worried about what the visit will reveal he can’t bear not being in control. Will Belle find the strength to confide in Lydia what’s really been going on?

5. Tom’s chilling next plan

Desperate to get back on top of the situation and control Belle’s every move again, Tom formulates another plan. As he takes back control once again, this could be his most awful move yet. What has Tom done?

Emmerdale: Leyla and Ella in deep conversation in The Woolpack
Is Leyla on to something? (Credit: ITV)

5. Emmerdale spoilers: Leyla suspicious of Ella

Leyla is suspicious of Ella. When she finds she has zero online presence, she jumps into action, determined to find answers about Liam’s new lover. What will she discover?

Leyla looks seriously at Liam as Suzy contemplates in Emmerdale
What has Leyla discovered? (Credit: ITV)

6. Liam acts over Ella

Manpreet then tells Liam something she saw regarding Ella. Liam is jolted into action, but what is he going to do? And will he discover Ella’s big secret? Just what is she hiding from him – and the rest of the village?

Cain and Liam in Emmerdale have a serious chat
Will Cain really go? (Credit: ITV)

7. Cain could leave in Emmerdale spoilers

Kyle admits to his dad he’s being bullied again. Cain is determined to make it right and contemplates their future in the Dales. He wonders if a new home and new school is the answer and considers moving so Kyle can have a fresh start. Can Cain really bring himself to leave, though?

Read more: Who’s leaving Emmerdale in 2024?

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Emmerdale usually airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV, with an hour episode on Thursdays.

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Carena Crawford
Associate Editor (Soaps)