
10 Coronation Street spoilers for next week including an arrest for murder, a sneaky snog and Leanne keeping secrets!

Things aren't working out as anyone planned!

Coronation Street spoilers for next week reveal a shocking arrest for murder – and it’s not who you might expect! Plus Leanne’s keeping secrets and someone’s getting a sneaky snog!

Here are 10 thrilling spoilers for Coronation Street next week.

Coronation Street: Carla looks embarrassed as Daniel looks incredulous in the Rovers with Bobby and Ken
The Barlows are shocked to hear Bobby gave the police a false statement (Credit: ITV)

1. Everybody hates Carla

Dee-Dee accidentally lets slip to Adam that Bobby gave a false statement to the police, and turned Daniel into their prime suspect.

So of course, Adam lets it go, understanding that Bobby just wanted to help Roy.

NAH, of course he doesn’t! Instead, he waits until the family are gathered in the Rovers and announces Bobby’s guilt to everyone.

But how will the Barlows react to what Bobby did, and Carla’s part in it?

Coronation Street: Carla looks embarrassed as Daniel looks incredulous in the Rovers with Bobby and Ken and Adam
Has Carla burned her Barlow bridges? (Credit: ITV)

2. Abi in despair in Coronation Street spoilers

Tearful Abi realises her online troll has posted the deep fake video of her again, and tells a furious Kevin. And the pair are even more upset when Craig arrives at the garage with some bad news.

Coronation Street: Craig looks nervous as he talks to Kevin and Abi at the garage
Craig’s got bad news for Abi (Credit: ITV)

Craig tells Abi that they’re no nearer to finding out who has been posting the videos and he tells her she might be best hiring a lawyer.

When two lads call at the garage and make lewd remarks to a shocked Abi, she’s left in despair, convinced someone is trying to ruin her life.

Abi and Kevin in Corrie look unimpressed with Craig's news
Abi’s left despairing (Credit: ITV)

As a last resort, Nina suggests Abi tries speaking to the online management company that Dev hired when the photos of Asha were shared on the internet.

Will Abi take this drastic step?

Coronation Street: Craig looks nervous as he talks to Kevin and Abi at the garage
The police can’t help (Credit: ITV)

3. Leanne’s back!

After her time away from her family, Leanne finally returns from her retreat, a day later than planned. And she’s absolutely furious when Simon reveals he’s off to join Peter on his yacht!

Simon, Leanne and Nick have a tense discussion as he says he's leaving in Coronation Street
Leanne’s back and unimpressed at Simon’s plans (Credit: ITV)

Nick tells his angry fiancée that he left a message with Rowan, explaining Simon’s plans, but he obviously failed to pass it on.

But that just makes Leanne even more annoyed. She accuses Nick of conspiring with Toyah behind her back.

Corrie: Leanne points and shouts at Nick
Leanne accuses Nick of conspiring with Toyah (Credit: ITV)

Later, Leanne chats to someone on her laptop, telling them what has happened with Simon and how she is all alone. She adds that she wishes she could be with whoever she’s talking to – but who is it?!

Simon and Leanne hug as Simon leaves Coronation Street
Simon’s off to join his dad (Credit: ITV)

4. Coronation Street spoilers: Simon’s off!

He’s definitely been trouble over the years, but Simon Barlow has made his mark on Coronation Street so the residents of Weatherfield gather to say goodbye as he sets off to join his dad Peter on the yacht.

Adopted mum Leanne even manages to put her grievances aside for a moment and wave her son off tearfully as he heads off on his adventure.

Leanne is upset as Simon leaves Corrie
Leanne says a tearful goodbye (Credit: ITV)

5. Ken’s FUMING

Barlow patriarch Ken is NOT happy about Bobby giving his false statement to the police and when he bumps into Bobby and Carla in the cafe, he makes his displeasure obvious – leaving them both feeling rotten.

Carla and Bobby have a tense discussion in Coronation Street
Bobby and Carla have some stuff to sort out (Credit: ITV)

Back home, a sheepish Bobby tells Carla it might be best if he moves out as he’s caused nothing but trouble. And Carla agrees.

Carla and Bobby have a tense discussion in Coronation Street
Bobby suggests he should move out (Credit: ITV)

Bobby is upset, but he heads to the bedroom to pack his things.

Where will he go?

Dee-Dee looks incredulously at Joel in Corrie
Dee-Dee is surprised by Joel (Credit: ITV)

6. Will Dee-Dee accept Joel’s proposal?

Dee-Dee is nervous when she arranges to meet Joel’s parents, but he reassures her that though they can be standoffish, they’ll love her once they get to know her.

Coronation Street: Dee-Dee looks uncomfortable as Joel gets down on one knee
Dee-Dee is shocked when Joel gets on one knee (Credit: ITV)

It’s not a great start thought, because when Anthea and Gus arrive they make their disapproval of Dee-Dee very clear.

Coronation Street: Dee-Dee looks uncomfortable after Joel gets down on one knee
Dee-Dee doesn’t get off to a good start with Joel’s parents (Credit: ITV)

Anthea is especially rude and a disgruntled Dee-Dee storms out after Anthea makes a patronising remark.

Things don’t look great, so Dee-Dee is startled when Joel shows up at her flat and apologises for his mum’s behaviour.

And she’s even more shocked when he drops to one knee and asks Dee-Dee to marry him!

Will Dee-Dee say yes? And will she have any idea she’s committing to a murderer?

Coronation Street: Dee-Dee looks uncomfortable as Joel gets down on one knee
Will Dee-Dee accept Joel’s proposal? (Credit: ITV)

7. Toyah in trouble?

Bethany tells Toyah that a colleague of hers tried to write an expose about the Institute but was met by a wall of silence, which makes Toyah even more determined to dig into what it’s all about.

Rowan comes to visit Leanne who is delighted to see him and hugs him – but when he shows her Toyah’s negative posts about the Institute, Leanne’s furious.

Later, in the Bistro, Toyah gets a hand-delivered letter and she is shocked to discover that the Institute is suing her for defamation.

Will she drop her campaign against them?

Meanwhile, Nick’s on a mission to convince Leanne that Toyah is trying to protect her from the Institute, which he claims is a corrupt organisation run by a madman.

But Leanne won’t listen. And when Nick goes out, she opens her laptop, smiles at the screen and tells the person there that she loves them.

Nick in Corrie is horrified as he sees Leanne and Rowan in his flat
Nick is horrified to see Leanne and Rowan together (Credit: ITV)

8. Coronation Street spoilers: More trouble for Toyah

Things seem to be falling apart for the Battersby/Tilsley family as a shocked Toyah walks in to hear Leanne telling someone on her laptop that she loves them.

Toyah is convinced that it’s Rowan who’s got his claws into Leanne, but Leanne denies it. Toyah’s quick to tell Nick, though, who is shocked – and he’s even more horrified when he arrives home to find Leanne and Rowan holding hands on the sofa!

What will Leanne say?

That’s just the start of the bad times though, as Toyah begs her sister to open her eyes and see what Rowan’s really like, but they’re interrupted by the police.

Toyah looks upset as Kit arrives to arrest her in Coronation Street
Kit arrives to arrest Toyah (Credit: ITV)

To everyone’s shock, Kit has come to arrest Toyah for murder, telling her the body of a baby has been found buried in the park.

Toyah looks upset as Kit arrives to arrest her in Coronation Street
Kit tells Toyah the body of a baby has been found in the park (Credit: ITV)

9. Emotions run high for Glenda!

Dee-Dee has news for Glenda, telling her she also has a claim to half of George’s house!

Dee-Dee in Coronation Street delivers stressed George an official letter
Dee-Dee delivers the letter (Credit: ITV)

While George is schmoozing a potential client, Dee-Dee heads over to deliver the letter detailing Glenda’s claim for half of everything he owns!

Coronation Street: George is horrified by the contents of Glenda's letter
George is furious! (Credit: ITV)

George is furious and storms into the pub to give his sister a piece of his mind. But she sticks to her guns and tells him she’ll see him in court!

George looks worried as Todd tries to smile at a new client in Coronation Street
George is trying to impress a client (Credit: ITV)

Later, a miserable Ms Shuttleworth tells Michael that George was always their dad’s favourite. She tells him he felt like second fiddle.

Michael, though, tells Glenda that she’s kind, funny and smart – and he pulls her in for a kiss!

Coronation Street: Glenda and Michael kiss
Michael pulls Glenda in for a kiss (Credit: ITV)

10. Bethany is defrauded!

After finally getting her mail redirected from her old flat in London, Bethany’s shocked to discover someone has been spending money on her old company credit card.

Bethany Platt looks annoyed as she talks to Joel Deering
Bethany asks Joel for help (Credit: ITV)

Daisy advises the worried woman to get copies of the statements so she can prove it wasn’t her who made the purchases.

Bethany asks Joel for help – can he advise her?

Read more: Who’s leaving Coronation Street in 2024?

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Coronation Street usually airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.

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Kerry Barrett
Freelance Soap Writer